A Fatal Wound
The Backstory
In the late 19th century, an idea began to percolate throughout Europe that the Jews (who had at this point been exiled for nearly 1,800 years) would—if only for their safety—be much better off having a country of their own.
Naturally, the ancestral homeland of the Jewish people seemed the obvious choice. But that land had long since been conquered by Islam, and the Muslim world was uncompromising in their refusal to cede any amount of territory to the Jews.
In an interesting turn of events, however, the Muslims lost that territory just 20 years later, after the fall of the Ottoman Empire in the First World War. Following this defeat, the British (who, along with the other Allied Powers, had emerged victorious) issued a declaration promising the land to the Jewish people.
This sparked outrage amongst the Muslim community, of course, triggering years of violent backlash. Ultimately, a decision was made to partition the land between the Muslims and the Jews, and Israel became a nation on May 14th, 1948.
I saw one of his heads as if it had been fatally wounded… (Rev. 13:3 NASB)
Looking at these historical events through the lens of biblical prophecy, we see that Islam (the 3rd beast) did indeed suffer a fatal wound, and that because of this, the Jewish people were—after an interval of 1,800 years—able to return to the land of their forefathers.
You see, it is not just that a kingdom dies and is revived. There is purpose in its death. And that purpose is to allow for the regathering of the Jewish people to the Holy Land (without which, the events of Revelation cannot not come to pass).
Unfortunately, it is their very presence in the land that is fueling the revival of the beast which we thought dead, and its name is Radical Islam.